Thursday, August 7, 2008

Pregnancy Woes

Babies are wonderful, and I'm looking forward to the new little one who will join our family next year. It's just the matter of growing the baby inside my body that bothers me. Oh, and then somehow moving the baby from inside my body to the outside world--that's another small hurdle, but I'll worry about that later. During this first trimester, my main problem symptoms have been ridiculous amounts of fatigue, the constant vague feeling that I might vomit, and needing to pee in the middle of the night. Insomnia has also been a recurring problem, hence the creation of this blog. I know that as pregnancies go, I could have it far worse (such as constant severe nausea for all nine months), so I am quite grateful for the relative health and ease with which I have carried this babe so far.

At my last dentist's appointment, my hygienist told me that she had discovered she was pregnant after being married to her husband for 20 years. She had always been told that she was unable to have children, but now she has a 6-month old baby girl. Now, even if she had gotten married at the age I did, she would still be 40 when her babe was born. She asked me to imagine the kind of lifestyle change that entails after being married without children for so long...I know that I can't.

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