Friday, August 15, 2008

Solid Food Adventures

My approach to Eowyn's eating has always been a bit unorthodox. Even now, she eats more food than I care to admit while running about the house. Often I'm just glad if she comes back to me for a bite or two before she's off running again.

This situation evolved out of a desire not to push food on her. I wanted eating to be a generally pressure-free, pleasant experience. Perhaps I was afraid of becoming a parent who must engage in all kinds of theatrical antics, cajoling and sighing in order to get her little one to eat. This fear, along with my initial participation in La Leche League meetings, led me to a "baby-led feeding" approach.

I started Eowyn on solids fairly late for our culture (around 7 months). From the beginning, I gave her finger foods that were firm enough for her to pick up and feed herself, but soft enough to mash easily between her gums, like strips of banana, avocado, sweet potato and very ripe peach. I never really did baby cereal with her, though I would make her oatmeal and cream of wheat later on. In all, I was happy with how this approach worked out. I never bought any baby food; I would just give her fresh fruit and soft cooked veggies that we had on hand and which she could feed herself. I also gave her very soft cooked meat, like chicken and pork, fairly early on. As a result, she became proficient at feeding herself, and didn't reject chunky textures as some babies do who are used to the smooth puree of jarred baby food. She progressed at her own pace, and I didn' t feel I was forcing anything on her (though I must admit that I did worry alternately that she was getting too much or not enough solid food).

Here are the websites I consulted the most for starting solids:
La Leche League: Starting Solids
Kellymom: Starting Solids

Of course, this approach is just one of many. Ultimately, you must do what feels right and healthy for you and your child.

Eowyn eating avocado at 7 months old


  1. Could it be that you witnessed a "parent who must engage in all kinds of theatrical antics, cajoling and sighing in order to get her little one to eat" when around your own sister trying to get her son to eat? Sorry for that traumatic experience. You're a good mom and you've obviously put a lot of thought into what Eowyn eats...good for you! I wish I had that much motivation to eat healthy.

  2. Hey, I'm not pointing any fingers, really! Everyone has to do what's right for their situation--I'll never be in your shoes! (Well, actually, I suppose I do borrow your shoes sometimes...) And, I don't have much motivation to eat healthy personally. I just try to get Eowyn to eat semi-healthy. Does eating mostly cheerios count? I don't know.
